

Danick #Shade Talk

General Shade

So, whats next ? Hi, I just bought a full fafnir for my cannoneer and I have 1.5b to spend on equip. This is my main character so I'm not sure where to spend my mesos. [url=http://hpics.li/34ef0e9]My current equip [/url] 6% boot and tempest ring Every other pot are crap I'm golluxing for finish to uprade my ring and after the earing for replace these 6% str earring. I think than the reinforced ring fully upgrade will replace my evo ring +4. Btw my other pendant is a solid golux one but I forget to equip it for the picture sorry ._. I have to unique all my fafnir and cube my sw stuff and gollux ring with the event cube. I have to finish upgrade my heart and my cannon but I need scroll and this event give nothing really good. My range is arou