

Edmania #Shade Talk

General Shade

Squish Is there reason to stick with a Corsair? So der I was, feelin' liek grinding my sair up to 140 so she could use the awesome Empress weapon I happened to have successfully scrolled for once that adds like 5000 to her range. I went into MPE and...oh my god what HOW DO I STOP ALL MY POTIONS ARE DISAPPEARING AHH AAAAAAHHHH I actually never tried out my Corsair's skillset change since RED (and the update before that wasn't played for too long either) because of how I both disliked the gameplay change (not too much though, at the time) and because of the greater focus on octopi(seriously even the flash jump has an octopus) which kind of screwed with my opinion of the class. I made my Corsair aaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllllllllllll the way back