

Ericmart #Updates Talk

General Updates

In-Game Chat Glitched BL, ALL, GUILD, WHISPERS Hi, It has been brought to my attention that 6 months ago, the guild chat and buddy chat kept glitching when one first logs on. At first this was because if you kicked a member from the guild, but this does not answer why the buddy chat glitches as well. If you said welcome back to the person who just logged on using the guild chat, the person is unable to see it. They are also unable to reply anything UNLESS they spam into the chat so that the system would get the message. This is the same case for the buddy chat. Because of these two bugs, many maplers feel as if they are ignored and makes it seem as if all their buddies and guildies are inactive/afk 24/7 or dead. Also, if you log on and afk