

General Chat

Didn't show up for an interview but the place is still calli I am currently a college student taking a semester off to save up for tuition. There was a job posting for a night-time scanning clerk at a small office. It pays 1.40 dollar above min. wage (12.75). But it has a Mon-Fri 40 hour schedule. It's a temporary 6 months position which is perfect for me because I am not planning to work after September when school starts. I was called in for an interview but I did a no-show. A different place called me that night to come in for my first shift at 7 AM the next day so I couldn't find the time to call the office that I can't come in for the interview which was scheduled at 10 AM. So I just didn't show up for the interview. I should have emai

General Chat

homeless dude tried to trick me today at work he gave me 4 rolls of dimes (traditionally $5) wrapped together super tightly with multiple thick elastic bands. the bottom was covered up with paper. he bought a kitkat. then he was like "Ok here's $20 in coins give me back the rest of the money in bills pls. obviously i started untying the elastic bands so i could crack open those rolls of coins and count to make sure that I am receiving $20. but before I even moved a single elastic band off, he stopped me and said "do that after I leave." I was like "uhh.. no? I need to do this first." and he kept insisting that I did it after he left. I got confused and just said that I need to count the coins to make sure that it's $20 and he just angrily s

General Chat

Why do people stay in terrible relationships? I am currently living in a house and there's this couple who's renting another room. It seems like there's not a week that goes by where they don't fight at least once. The girl seems to have some anger issues and say terrible things to the guy when she's mad. Like screaming that he's ugly or a piece of trash. She throws stuff around the house too. The guy seems much more rational and calm minded. He just stays quiet. Why do people choose to stay in those relationships? Why bother wasting time for someone who obviously sees you as a subhuman being whenever they are angry? If you truly love or value someone as a partner, you wouldn't say those terrible things when you are angry. And even if they

General Chat

i hate living with other people I look forward to the day when I will be able to afford to live in my own place. I hate not being able to be completely by myself around the house. I can't use the kitchen without running into people and can only enjoy privacy in my room... Most of the times I just wanna hang out in the kitchen carefree cooking stuff but you just can't do that when you share the place with other people... wanna use the washroom? gotta walk across people in the hallway and say hi. This feels restricting and somewhat stressful. i just wanna go make food in my underwear but i can't because there are two other people cooking in the kitchen... so i gotta wait an hour unless i wanna talk to them while making food and stuff.