General Wildhunter

wild hunter lines/bite Hello everyone, I have a question on wild hunter lines (AKA 'bites') and how to stack them to be at 3 rows of lines at a time. I'm still new to wild hunter (2 weeks to this day) and when I go to hard gollux and other bosses that take a few minutes to kill I find myself at mostly one line...I use the hyper along with sonic roar. I don't use swipe and I only use Dash 'n Slash when I'm trying to position my jaguar into a specific spot. When I go to youtube to watch bossing videos of wild hunters trying to figure out what I'm doing wrong I find nothing and the ones on youtube (post reboot vids) are at 3 lines 90% of the time. What am I missing? Is there a specific skill combo I should use to get to 3 bite lines? What are

General Fashion

Db hyper skill First take note: The skill Asura's Anger (db hyper skill) states that "Asura is not affected by attack reflection". Every time I face a boss with damage reflect I use Asura because it says it will avoid it right? Well when I do use asura the attack reflect IS affected with Asura therefore you die if you use it! I would submit a ticket on this to nexon telling them to fix this skill because it has false skill ability but guess what the nexon ticket submitter is also broken! It just makes an endless loop to where you can not submit a ticket! Good game nexon...good game.

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