

Gildarts #Paladin Talk

General Paladin

Paladin nerf still better than Dark knights? I've been debating for a long time whether paladins will still have more advantage in bossing than dark knights after paladin nerf. Also in terms of damage and how much to fund to reach max cap concerns me. If I were to transfer my equips from my dark knight ( maybe somehow my polearm/berserk chain converts to a 2 hand sword and rosary, for example) to a paladin which nearly gives the same stats as my dark knight, will the damage be significantly lower than dark knight's nerf? I know elemental resistance is going to be out and losing 1 line of blast. I just want to know how bad that is compare to a -10-20% damage drop of crosssurge from dark knights. Will I have to fund paladins, for example, 2x,