

GunsNGuns #Shade Talk

General Shade

Which Class to Main, back to Ms Hey there! Just recently came back to MS, have more free time soon in my life as I am graduating High school and I already go accepted into a College, so now I wont be bored and focused on school anymore. Anyways, I am trying to stick with a game to play, I have played over 10 games off and on over the past 3 years, and I am sticking with MS until it dies. I just cant decide what class to main. I am a pirate guy, have been ever since 2007, but I cant decide which to focus on. Mechanic is pretty strong, but it seems lacking in mobility and attacking skills, just press the same button for the whole time. Shade is also pretty strong, but I feel since it lacks in mobbing it wont be as fun as other Pirate classes.