


Rant about new updates So yall mustve noticed how Both the news about the new hero which is Luminous and the Jett video showing the skills came out at the same time or at least close. About Jett from what I have seen and most ppl noticed it is just a VERY OBVIOUS mix between canoneer, mercedes jump , bucc attack and mechanic. why did nexon went through the bother of doing this ? because of luminous . No one expected the new hero to be anything but pirate because it fits perfectly how ever if we take a look at the game structure it self wede find that there is definitely an imbalance between ATK and M.ATK. Hell even for the reason of the awesomeness of the 5 heros you must notice how evan is not a true mage ... the dragon is and hes more lik

General Chat

Where do exams come from? My exams are in three weeks and initiating studying is always a pain to me I always fail at spotting for exams :3 anyone out there found out how teachers think when it come to exams? :/ Useful quotes : xVolcomStone: I honestly can't study till like 2 days before. Time restraint is key to good studying for me. I always just look at stuff and think, "Would they actually ask me this on an exam?" Usually, if I think it's too specific, obscure, or just a random fact, I don't worry about it. My teacher's usually give me a rough outline of the exam, so at least I have a general idea. LowWillpower: Usually my teachers try to provide a balance of easier memorization questions, medium application/understanding/shor