

IsGamer #Updates Talk

General Updates

Your opinion about current events? Also Q&A about them Hey, this post is mostly for these who ask everytime for easy-to-find information about this patch while also adding some oppinions to the current patch, so let me start: [header]Questions and Answers[/header] Note that the questions below are for lazy guys who can't check on the patch notes. [b]"What are the RED tickets for?"[/b] Stock these up for the next big patch, which should be already guessed by most, even the ticket explains itself, you cannot turn them in to anyone nor they have any decent use RIGHT NOW so wait for the next patch and turn them in for coins to buy pretty good things in the respective coin shop. [b]"What is the Black Friday coin for?"[/b]

General Updates

What would you do if you were from a Nexon crew member? Hello!, some people might already know me, but idc XD, i was just wondering, if you were a Nexon worker specifically, and if you were able to create, revamp or fix some content, what would you do?, i would do the following (this post might be too long, but i wanna give my oppinion, i don't hate nexon or the game itself, is just that these things can be added to improve the player's attention to specified thing) : -Ardentmill: I mean, the topic of this content is nice, since is funny and is to either waste some time or just improve yourself, or make mesos (half earrings XD), what i would revamp a little is 1)Mining and Digging for herbs is not bad, since they're required for doing anyth