

General Chat

How old are you and what is your gender? lol I was just curious on how old people are on here and gender kinda, not really. mostly age but doesn't really hurt to know gender too. If you guys don't mind me asking. xD Like either the age status is either elementary age or high school from what I remember back then. idk. When I started, I was in elementary like about 8 years old and I met people that were around my age, little bit older, or around their 20s. I wonder what is the majority of people. Well I'm a 20 year old female xD


Updates with New Changes on Here? lol hello, I am a very old maplestory player xD The time where it was somewhat difficult to level up by killing monsters alone and had to rely on pqs to level up. There was also that old lumi pq with the different rooms and we hit the boxes that might have something or a monster comes out. Also the slime shoe quest. lol. I also remember running away from orange mushroom and green slimes even though I need green slimes for the hair quest (I got a nice hair unlike my friend with the afro xD). It was also were we had the basic classes only? idk xD I remember doing a lot of job quests to get to the next level for whatever the job boss wants at lvl 70? and the trying to catch my pig xD Fighting monsters with peo