

KoopaKun #Shade Talk

General Shade

Could I get some help with gear? Hello everyone! I recently got my Shade to level 100 and decided I wanted to start the funding process. Currently I have a full fafnir set, with my knuckle at epic bot and with bonus pot same as my secondary ( I am quite scared to reveal them as I have horrible luck with potentials....) I'm stuck on deciding how I want to go about scrolling and what gear pieces I should go for next. Should I focus on getting my boss emblem and badge next and epic pot them? Also would 70% spell tracing my fafnir be a smart idea as a place holder? I'm no where rich by any means ( 500m club woot woot) Also when do you think I could start doing bosses such as easy gollux and such? With the new SP system I estimate i'll have all