

General Merch

Just a heads up to people in Renegades Fm There is an individual who goes by the IGN of YoungLendyL. If he offers to buy your FM spot, either have him pay you in advance, or don't give it to him. long story short, he offered me a whopping 10m for an FM4 spot, claiming 'this spot is worth less than that, but i got money'. gave it to him. didn't give me money after some badgering and confrontation. although it wasn't a huge loss for me since it was only FM4, just wanted to warn anyone who might come across this fellow when you have a spot that is of value to you.


I Like Maplestory I don't know if I'm actually the first to say it, but it sure seems like it based on the vibe I'm getting around the forum: I love what Nexon did with this update. Now, I know they messed up with a few things, notably the fact that the patch literally took 24 hours and some content has inexplicably disappeared (hopefully temporary). But overall I think they did a great job. Here's why: 1. Quality of Life Improvements Being able to reveal the potential of an item on the spot, being able to see all of the items (or at least most for some people) in your inventory in 1 window, being able to raise more than 1 skill point at a time... these are just some examples, but this patch came with a mountain of these small, but extremel