

General Battlemage

Do Battle Mages Gain more Mp with higher int? Once upon a time, as im sure most of us are familiar with, every 10 int would give you 1 extra mp upon leveling up. However, during the red update(http://maplestory.nexon.net/news/updates/update-notes/00HMP/v-143-red-first-impact-update-notes-part-2), it says that "Magicians also do not have their MP increase in proportion to their Intelligence." suggesting that this functionality has been removed. My question is, is this true for Battle Mages(and by extension other mage classes like Evan) as well? Cause there have been several times where they've updated something for explorer mages but equivalent aspects on other mage classes were unaffected(example, the recent mid-air teleport updat

General Phantom

Cate Phantasmiques potential SO as you all know, there's an event quest that gives us all a card, phantom's secondary equipt. I have 2 questions about it. 1. is it nessecary? If we dont do this event will our phantom be cardless?(there's no reason not to due the event, just asking out of curiousity). 2. As far as I can tell, as long as we keep creating new chars we can get an unlimited supply of these cards, so in theory we can fuse them until we get w/e potential we want on it. Most likely not worth it since its a level 30 eqpt and phantom will most likely change cards with each job adv, resetting the potential, but is any1 planning on doing this?


Pirate Lore and the 5 heroes Ok so alot of pirates are (somewhat understandably) raging over the lack of a pirate hero, and other people trying to justify it by saying a pirate hero could not have existed back then. Overall there is alot of confusion over the lore so lemme clear a few things up. First off: the people who say pirates did not exist back then because the pirate class was introduced later than the other 4 classes are wrong. Lore-wise, kyrin and her pirates were sailing maple world long before the pirate class was introduced. The class when introduced when kyrin decided to land in victoria island and train disciples to fight the black mage. However: on the other hand, the people who say that pirates are equal to the other classe