
LEGENDairy #Updates Talk

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Regarding Big Bang new worlds/servers So I decided to research into these "new worlds" as I wanted to find proof that there actually were gonna be new ones released with the Big Bang. So anyway, I stumbled upon a Sleepywood thread in which people had got some extractions from the quest data. And following the links I found 5 quests, each relating to new worlds. They are: [*][b]Cosmos[/b] - most people know about this world, as there's many threads about it [*][b]Nova[/b] - most people know about this world, as there's many threads about it [*][b]Androa[/b] - most people know about this world, but there's not so many threads about it [*][b]El Nido[/b] - the failed world which came with the original Prepatch associated with the Aran

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What was the Black Mage's original name? What the title says. And what happened to his mother and father? See here: [quote=MapleStory] The First Rise and Fall “The Black Mage was born as other men, child of a mother and father who loved him, citizen of a peaceful town filled with friendly prosperous citizens. Few remembered the preternaturally bright child who would grow into a brilliant young man, eager to delve into the secrets of magic. Some saw the arrogant temperament, impatience, and a ready anger that he unleashed with little provocation, but the black hole at the center of his soul that might have foreshadowed what he would become was hidden from their sight. The first reign of the Black Mage began as many tyrannies did – with a