


Scania New Guild Rainfall Hello! I've been wanting to start a guild for a while now, I used to run a guild quite a long time ago, pre BB but I haven't had the time for quite some time. Now I'm interested in giving it another try. I'd like to focus on keeping an active community of helpful and friendly people. We are recruiting any and looking for capable Jr candidates. If you're at all interested please apply to Rainfall, or if you have any questions please ask below, or Whisper me in-game. Thank you! IGN:LMaes


Damage flaw with reboot? Hello, so I have a question about reboot compared to other servers when it comes to equipment. Is reboot equipment significantly/noticeably weaker than classic equipment? Since scrolls do not exist, I thought perhaps that it might be more difficult to reach higher damage thresholds. Although, I'm not sure if the scrolls actually contribute enough to matter too much. I'm considering making a Shadower, and I can fund it on a normal server, but If I can invest time rather then money and still come out with the same result then I'd rather do that, if however, there is a handicap where it becomes significantly less feasible to achieve the same results then I might as well stick to a normal server. Plus, with the announce