

Merevingia #Quests Talk

General Quests

Orbis PQ - Diary Sheets amp Finding Members For the Orbis PQ, are the diary sheets for the quest still dropped by the cellions? I can't find a clear answer about it. I've been able to do the quest once, and killed several but got no sheets. Are they just relatively rare? I also can't find anyone around to do this quest with. Has anyone had better luck at a certain time of day? I thought I read that PQ experience was supposed to be improved with Jump, but now that I've read about this EXP drop, I'm not so sure. Also, if anyone on here is also looking to the do the quest, whisp Devildread in Nova.

General Quests

Do Olivia dolls carry over to the next year? Seeing as I only have 1 doll so far thanks to scammers, I don't think I have much of a chance of getting 20 before the pq ends. If I keep the doll I have now, will it be usable next year? If the dolls from last year were usable this year then I imagine they would be, but I haven't' seen anyone mention that. I also know that there's no guarantee the pq will be offered or that the chair will be a reward, especially with the Big Bang, but I do really like it so I hope I can get it somehow. To my knowledge, they're not tradeable but I don't the mesos to buy one anyways.