

NoobCake #Shade Talk

General Shade

Do you talk to your friends parents? I notice that a lot of my friends are shy when talking to other people's parents. They prefer to keep conversation short or not talk at all to avoid awkwardness or give them a bad impression, while I think it adds awkwardness. I always talk to my friends' parents when I see them, ask them about their day, talk about recent events, let them rant a bit about their work, etc. That's probably why I'm always welcomed in my friends' houses cause their parents love me. Do you talk to your friends' parents, basil? Discuss

General Shade

I went to a casion last night It was an OLG Slot machine. Since my friends and I were first timers, they gave us $25 vouchers each (so we had $75 to bet). We walked around finding different slot machines to use and oh my god [b]they had free drinks[/b]. I had a coffee and Nestea and it was awesome. We left with $8 which we bought McDonalds with. We basically walked in with nothing and left with $8, but lost $67 theoretical money. It was a good time, but we could have won more if my friends weren't so dumb (we had $15 at one point). In conclusion, slot machines are a scam and I would only bet my money in a game I have control over (eg. Blackjack, Poker, etc.) Discuss Edit: I spelt casino wrong in the title lol