General Mechanic

Mechanics and why i joined them So let's start: Grind at the rate of a mine-hacking WH since level 15 Killsteal ANYTHING ANYWHERE ANYTIME Coercell. Seriously, you'd have to beat 12 of them at once for this to be at the same level of the other pirates Astaroth is just as easy as Coercell, You can actually solo it at 30 without it taking more than 10 minutes King Pepe Solo at level 31. Without Potions. Not kidding. King Pepe Solo at level 35. Without Potions. Without letting him summon. Grinding at CDs. At Level 36. Killstealing People that are 20+ Level higher than you. Spirit of Rock Solo at level 45. (You might remember my Aran's Experience) Scarecrows? AHAHAHAHAHAHAH Jesters. At 65. The whole room. Making hackers CC. So, tell me why peopl

General Gms

Scania Minehack in chimney? really? oh come on, scania is so packed that people started openly hacking in the most packed place there is, jaguar on the rope and mines in the whole room is how they roll. how is this normal? how can someone tell me "yeah, just report him" he's even in (s)educers guild, i dunno if someone wants to make them know they have a hacker that sits on a rope and spams mines to level up. feel free to. "where's proof?" it's on my YT channel, name's ParrotParrotLoL. The hacker's name, on the other hand is BEDucateMe. i don't usually name&shame, but i'm really pissed that out of 19 channels at least 3 or 4 are packed with mines hack.


Why does nobody train at NLC rotting zombies? So, making a new sindit on zenith i was especially curious as nobody would stick to mushmoms initially. i did 2 full channel surfs runs, leveled five times and got enough money to last myself for quite some time (then i blew them, but that's a story for another fireplace). Then, spreadsheet on hand, i noticed how easy it was to farm rotting zombies in NLC prendergast mansion's chimney. Map is pretty much the same of the scarecrows which everybody knows, and the zombies give experience double of any other level 20 non-boss monster while having only 50%~ HP bonus. This makes for pretty much the best leveling place 20-30 yet i see noone farming them, the same happened with my cleric in scania and m


XP/HP ratio Post BB So i was digging in basil and around the web but apparently i can't find a comprehensive list of the best HP/XP ration per monster after 0.94 It's not a big problem since i can make one, but it looks horrible and is hardly understandable. Did anyone do a better job than me and actually shared? Reading the information on a link to KMS monster list, Papulatus has the highest XP/HP ratio (0.61006289308176 Experience points per HP) or the lowest HP/XP ratio (1.63917525773196 HP per XP). the ratio appears to decrease evenly with the level growth of the monsters. bosses have more or less the same ratio as mosnter 30 levels lower (except for papulatus). I have no idea if these informations are correct, if anyone could please li


Scroll sends me to Omega sector, how do i get back? I've sent in omega sector again due to a return scroll used in the wrong map (damn trixies) and apparently i'm stuck there. i've tried climbing up but due to my relatively low level i get steamrolled every time i try to climb back into lubidrium (i made it to the trixies but then i spiked and died to a trixie, the irony) Is there ANY other way to climb up back to lubidrium or ANY OTHER PLACE REALLY without having to jump for 20 minutes up into the tower?

General Site

"Submit a ticket" the only way to rebuild the mons so BB hit and the whole monster database has been changed. some got nerfed, some got boosted, droprates have changed and toolong;didntread: outdated monster database. even the quests description INSIDE THE GAME are screwed up in some way (IE Astaroth does not give 10k exp, it's 1k meso 10 fame and 5,4k exp). I wanted to help rebuild the database (hopefully have something reliable) and i thoguht "well, why not help it in basil?". Well, here's why: Apparently the only way to help basilmarket "update" the mosnter table is to submit a ticket. is this really the only way? is there any updated mosnter table anywhere else? EDIT: FORUM SAPPING MAH TITLE. it was suppose

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