
This is going to be my last video for a while. Maplestory is moving at a fast pace. Maybe a little too fast for me. I buy minimal Nx and Nexon likes releasing new stuff that makes your old equips obsolete(shielding wards, 100% gm scrolls). I remember when Nexon said Nx would never benefit your game play, it was just for looks. Now look what has happened. Soon nexon will be coming out with a new rank for potential called legendary. This will allow you to get 12% on one line instead of 9%. So you know what that means. your perfect gear wont be so perfect anymore... I am frustrated about all these new additions, and I'm focusing on real life more. Anyway Nexon with all its new additions, has left me feeling...well lost. My next Video will prob


I know I already have a grandpa video, but my good friend Zerkus is pretty wild and I think this is worthy of a separate video, hopefully inspire some Darknights out there. Also I wanted to throw out a couple videos before I go back to school next week. Anyway hope you enjoy. I am on an energizer. P.S. making this frustrated me. Sony vega wasnt cooperating... The entire duo took about 10 mins. I ALMOST felt sorry for grandpa. Song: The Human Abstract - Vela, Together we Await the Storm Support me on youtube. More videos to come...