

Powerbomb #Updates Talk

General Updates

Ip Address Issue So every time I log in from my laptop, MS says that I'm restricted from trading or dropping items for 15 minutes since I logged in from a different IP. This happens when I log out and immediately log back into a new character. I've changed routers like twice in the past two months (haven't played MS for four), so would that be the issue? Waiting isn't really a problem, but I'm wondering if Nexon can go all dictator mode and block my account for logging in from "multiple" IPs.

General Updates

Crashing Issue So, this just started happening to me. Hasn't happened before, but I guess something like this happens to everyone or something. Today, I've been unable to stay logged on for more than two-three minutes without being forcibly disconnected and sent back to the log-in screen. This is incredibly frustrating when I'm trying to do the attendance quests for the day. Has anyone else experienced this? My connection is fine and nothing else is wrong on my computer (as far as I know). What's going on? Anyone have an idea?