


Can people be any more stupid? Ok, so apparently one of my guildie and this dude that I don't know got into a fight with defaming and stuff. And now he's accusing me and the entire guild of scamming. The funny thing is that when I ask him proof of my guildie / scamming; he says "I only show proof if basilmarket let me" "don't waste my time" then a few minutes later, he goes on mules to defame me and my other guildies. WHERE IS THE LOGIC IN THAT? You don't have time to show me proof in a simple Screenshot, yet you have the audacity to log on mules, find and track me and my guild, and defame me? 10/10 Well, I'm out and done; You can do whatever you want and waste your time in a childish manner, AFistLegend peace everyone o

General Chat

Need your help So I have this research paper that's due in a week and it requires 'primary research' such as a interview or a survey. I went ahead and did a survey with my topic on 'Whether or not violent video games causes violence' So here's the survey: It's mostly Multiple Choice and is only a total of 10 questions. I would appreciate it if you guys could spare a few minutes taking this, as I need a total of 100 participants. Sharing this to your friends on media sites like Facebook is just as good! Thanks everyone!


Star Force Enhancement Questions With this new and beneficial system coming soon, I'm still curious about a few things: [b]Q:[/b] Can you use Protections / Superior Wards to prevent the item from blowing in the new system? [b]Q:[/b] Is it true that Regular equips are different from Superior (Tyrants) in that Tyrants don't go by this chart but by another? [b]Q:[/b] Can Tyrants go up to 24 stars too? [b]Q:[/b] If an item did blow up, which stats are retained? [b]Q:[/b] Am I a potato? Thanks!

General Chat

Need questions So I have this 12-page paper due in a month and it requires "primary" research i.e. interview/surveys. My research topic is looking on whether or not Violent Videogames cause actual violence and/or negative effects on human behavior. (My side providing that it doesn't) What I need help on is coming up with questions that I can use in my survey (using Survey Monkey). Questions should be mostly Multiple Choice or YES/NO. Anyone got any ideas? --- I got so far... [b]Q:[/b] Do you believe violent video games contribute to actual violence? YES/NO --- Thanks a bunch guys! I'll be checking this thread often, not abandoning it

General Nintendo

Pokemon Help So like, I've been playing PKMN games since Sapphire on GBA and honestly never bothered raising PKMN the "correct" way. Honestly, I now want to raise PKMN in this "correct" way, making them strong with all this IV/EV stuff, but really can't find a simplistic easy-to-follow guide. [b]>Question:[/b] Anyone knows of an [b]up-to-date, easy-to-follow, and friendly[/b] guide? Many thanks. :) [b]Sidenote[/b] Your entry contains a word that's not allowed: Pokemon. Any attempt to bypass this will result in a permanent ban on all accounts Really basil?

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