RicoTheMapler #Quests Talk

General Quests

15 att Neckalce from event The Gates of Time have opened, and now's your chance to assemble the Mind of Maple Necklace and upgrade it to its most powerful form! You can receive your Mind of Maple Necklace by completing quests for Cody and Chief Stan. Cody will then be able to deck it out with special gems from the Gachapon Machine to unlock its hidden power! Talk to NPC Cody (located in most major towns) with a character that is at least level 13 to begin the quest line. You'll then need to gather components for NPC Chief Stan in Henesys to get the Piece of Mind of Maple, and find a Maple Necklace Chain dropped from monsters. Take these back to Cody to get the Mind of Maple Necklace! The Mind of Maple Necklace has two forms. One is located

General Quests

Masteria Pq idea So I've finally figured out my idea for a PQ, although it's about a week to late to submit it for the contest, I would still like some feedback OH, I have no idea any lore of Yata-Garasu. It's just a name for me, it can be changed. Pq: Curse of Yata-Garasu Req lvls: 120-200 Difficulty: It's not that hard. Exp: Good NOTES: All damage done to monsters is 50 mil, all damage done to your character is precentage, you take 5% less damage for every 1k def(Wep + Mag) you have. Example: if you get hit for 50% damage but have 1k defense, health will take 45%. Story: Mr. the monster park man, found a temple in masteria but when he entered all his clothes turned black! So when hes study uped on the why he clothes would do that he found