


Looking for a not-so-developed server to start fresh in I wanna start over in a world that's not so developed (pretty much the first 4 servers are ruled out), but at the same time, I don't want a server that's dead (sorry Zenith, Demethos, Chaos & any other dead servers). [b]Okay, so server requirements:[/b] FM: ~1-12 Population: Enough to be easy enough to find people to train/PQ or w/e, but also a chance for me to find a map to train in during 2X without difficulties Community: Limited hackers, ksers, d-bags Development: Having a perfected weapon is not considered average/10 ATK WGs are still considered good Also, I want to know the prices of the following items in whichever server you suggest: 60% GFA 60% Miraculous Chaos 10 ATK WG 6


Legendary Shop Accessories Hi, I was wondering if the accessories in the legend coin shop are pot-able, and whether you would spend that extra 2 coins for the level 70 one if they are pot-able. The reason I ask this is because if you take the scarf for example, it's 2 coins for pretty much 2 to all stats and no extra attack, assuming you were to chaos it (and same level pot tier if it's pot-able) Same goes for the other accessories. Personally, I'm not funded, so I'm trying to save as much as possible Thanks in advance.


Chances of getting hacked again? I most likely got hacked from a keylogger on one of my friend's sister's laptop, considering that was the only time I ever played maple somewhere other than my own computer, and this was the first time I ever got hacked. Anyways, I changed my password, and I won't be playing maple on any other computer other than my own (and yes, I don't visit sites that will lead me to downloading softwares or sites that lead me to giving my info). So with that being said, what are the chances of me being hacked again?


Trying to make a comeback with pretty much nothing [b]Situation[/b]: Going back to an account I've been hacked before, and trying to make a comeback with about 8m in mesos and around 2-3 gach scrolls that used to be worth something. I've already done all my GFA quests and I plan to play on my 5X bandit which is completely stripped. I don't plan to buy NX, so getting a permit will be nearly impossible for me. I used to play in Chaos, and I still have quite a few equips that are worth something, but it's been real hard trying to find someone that would buy my things for NX that I can transfer over to Bera. [b]Question[/b]: So given the situation above, what are my options to starting up this character again? P.S. I'm not looking for godly fun


Coming back with almost nothing Hi, I've decided to come back to maple for a while and play on my level 50 bandit in Bera. The problem is that I have almost nothing leftover, and if I remember correctly, I have already done all the 60% GFA quests. What I have leftover is only about 8m in mesos and a few 30/70% scrolls that used to be worth something from a while ago: 30% Overall STR, 70% Earring LUK/DEX. I'm just wondering what would be an efficient way of making money again with what I have left. P.S: I won't be getting any NX, so getting a shop and merching with what I have is highly unlikely to happen. P.P.S: In Chaos, I still have a few items that I'm not sure if I can sell to people and transfer to NX. But if I can, I'd like a price ch

General Tech

Possible video card problem Recently I started using dual monitors on my nVidia 8600 GT video card, which does have the multi-monitor option. This video card has been about 3 years I think, and recently I experienced staticy, flickering on my screen, followed by my computer freezing completely and sometimes the screen turns completely black for a second or two and then returns to normal. After all that, a notification pops up saying that nVidia has had one of its drivers damaged and has repaired/recovered it. I tried cleaning the inside of my computer and also taking my video card out for a period of time to let it cool (I leave my computer on almost 24/7). I'm running on onboard crap right now and I was wondering if anyone can share their

General Chat

In search of a new game EDIT: I've decided to play in EsunaRO. Anyone else play in there? :o After being finally able to quit Maple for good, I'm looking for another game to play. Currently I have installed the following games: - SC2 - WC3 (DotA only) - Vindictus - Combat Arms - ijji reactor I enjoy watching replays for SC2 but when I'm actually playing, it doesn't feel the same (not that I lose a lot of the time, but it seems to get repetitive with the limited features they added on in this version :/) I play DotA probably the most compared to my other games, but I can't be playing this all the time, so I need an alternative. Vindictus isn't exactly the best game my PC can handle (even though if I format, it can probably run smoothly) Comb

General Thief

CB Upgrade/Downgrade help! I'm looking to upgrade/downgrade some of my CB's equips. My CB is currently level 84 (8X-9X base DEX, 3X base STR) and has the following equips: Dark Pirate Blouse - 12 STR, 1 DEX, 5 LUK [EPIC 3-Line 3% LUK] Red Pirate Skirt - 6 Slots [RARE 3-Line 3% LUK] Khanjar - 10 ATK, 8 LUK, 3 STR, 2 Slots [RARE 3-Line Crap] Fan - 97 ATK, 6 LUK [RARE 2-Line Crap] Mushy Kingdom Glove - Clean Targa Hat (INT) - 15/16/17/15 Clean Strawberry Earrings - 3 Slots [RARE 3-Line 3% LUK] Dep Star - 5/7/5/5, 2 Slots Black Seraph Cape - 4 STR, 3 Slots [RARE 3-Line 3% LUK] Dark Katina Boots - Dragon Kanzir - Should I downgrade my Katina Boots and use the money to upgrade something else? If so, can I get a P/C on the shoes & how I should

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