SquishedTofu #Quests Talk

General Quests

Personality Trait Medal Guide Sorry for reposting this but i noticed i posted in the wrong section Hello everyone! If you didn't know already there are medals that you may obtain by reaching certain criteria/levels of a personality trait. There are 3 Tiers of medals for each trait. The whole list of medal's may be seen through: . Please not that -White outlined medals are 1st tier -Black Outlined medals are 2nd tier - and Blackoutlined medals with Spikes are 3rd tier. Here's a List of medals and their traits (please note that when i say ie: 20 ambition i mean Level 20 Ambition not 20 exp of Ambition): Humble Honor (Above Ambition 20) Bearded Ambition (Above Ambition 60) King's Dignity (Above Ambition 100) Hawk's Eyes (Above Insight 20) Fair