


Should I auction my lv 140 2h Bw I am currently in Broa, and I have a perfect Timesplitter Two-handed Hammer that I need to sell. I need the money to buy an Empress Gun/Knuck and am wondering If I should put it up for auction on basil (with a MAXIMUM offer of 4,294,967,295) or just collect offers using a store permit in the FM. I guess what I'm asking is what is it worth and should I sell it now in an auction or wait for a good deal later? Thanks for not bashing the fact that it is a 2H BW the most under used weapon in the game... It's stats are as follows: +65 STR +21 DEX +193 Weapon Attack +100 Weapon Defense +101 Accuracy 1 Enhancement applied and 2 Vicious Hammers Used 3 Lines : 3% STR - 3% INT - 3% Chance to recover 53 HP