


Changes that should be made to MapleStory Linked systems: Ability to share and move all of your perm and non-perm nx items through ALL characters on one account even through multiple worlds Sharing buddylists on your main and mules so you won't have to re-add people all the time World transfers/world hop - going to visit one world for a specific period of time (ex: 30-60 minutes) with a cooldown of a few days or week (?) MuLung Dojo rankings: Should there be one universally so you can see the top players from all the worlds? Wider range of bosses, training areas, quests and events: Making more bosses (much harder bosses that require parties - ex back when it required 12 people to take down czak) More party-specific training areas, etc. Maki

General Chat

Online dating and long distance relationships in MapleStory Over the years I have been playing Maple, I have seen my share of online/long distance relationships. Obviously in the end it has not worked out for me, and I do not intend to try at it again. Anyway, I made this thread with the intention of hearing/reading what the general public's thoughts and stories are on online dating. So, what are some successful/failed relationships you went through? Was distance one of the main reasons that led to the break up?