


How to exchange Red tickets for maximum profit Currently, I'm sure we are all aware of the RED tickets being given out every weekend, with several exchange rates listed. [b]3 = 30 coins[/b] [b]4-6 = 50 coins[/b] [b]7-9 = 80 coins[/b] [b]10 = 100 coins[/b] Based on the calculations I've done with a constant of 50 tickets, Exchanging 4 tickets each time would offer maximum profits. The math I used was the number of total tickets used divided by the lowest value in an exhcange tier Multiplied by the coins given. with 50 tickets and exchanging four each time you would get 625 coins (I don't care that you can actually get that out even its for calculations sake.) So, if the tickets are turned in, and not just a one time turn in, using four ticke

General Firepoisonarchmage

DoT Damage stacking I am entirely aware that we have more than enough sources for DoT for mist eruptions full potential. But I was wondering about outside sources of DoT that are still linked with your character. If you have a familiar that causes posion on a monster/boss does that affect your stack? What about a weapon with a chance to poison as it's hidden potential? Do these types of poison add onto our DoT stacks? [b]EDIT:[/b] [b]EDIT:[/b] False alarm, on my previous test arcane aim activated on the first hit of Mist Eruption and as said below, Weapons and familiars do not contribute to DoT stacks. Some day that effect may be helpful from them, though that is not today.

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