

General Quests

Kaede Castle guide [b]Checking exp and hp for monsters due to BB patch they might have changed [/b] The new place added into GMS, Kaede castle/Ninja castle is kinda confusing to get through, so I ss'd which are the right portals to get to the next map. If you don't understand it or get lost or something, whisp/pm me over Maple (Bera) and I can help you. :D [i]Try to stay at the top, on the roof while going to the next portal, otherwise you might fall into one of the gaps.[/i] [header]Updates [/header] [b]More info on Kacchuu Musha, Castellan to be added. And if you can, suggest anything else I should add.[/b] [i]All 15 tiers. JQ added. Kacchuu Musha info [half]. JQ added. 2/10/2010[/i] [i]Tier monsters' info added. Kacchuu Musha info update