TurtleEatDog #Updates Talk

General Updates

From Nexon, how to fix disconnections during bossing. This thread is meant to help those who often get disconnected when attempting to boss, such as Zakum, Papulatus, Scarlion/Targa and includes CWKPQ. I sent Nexon a ticket, addressing the widely known issue of disconnection while bossing. It took them several weeks to reply to my ticket, but they eventually sent me a list of possible solutions to fix the issue. [b]NOTE: Not gauranteed to fix your issue. Some parts of the words/sentences also seem to be replaced with unsual characters.[/b] So this is what Nexon exactly said: I’m sorry to hear you’re experiencing difficulties with running MapleStory. Here are a few suggestions that might resolve your issue. 1) Close any extra a

General Updates

Mass 1Month-Ban in Bera Okay, well i've made a new thread to clarify everything. At approximately 5:30PM (PST), there was a mass 1 month ban by Nexon. From the threads and posts i've read, it seems to be only occurring in Bera. I dare say that this was a major mistake by Nexon, and it should be fixed really soon. Also, i'm smelling compensation for innocently banned Bera players such as I? =D Actually, I cannot gaurantee that this is the doing of Nexon. The fact that it is only occurring in Bera, might mean that it may be hackers causing this chaotic situation. For those still in game, fearing the autoban. There has been a suggested way to fix the 'autoban glitch'. Apparently, adding a buddy onto your buddy list fixes the issue. Yet to be c