


Most cost-effective mage? i/l or bishop Just wondering which class will give me the most bang for my buck? I guess that means which class has the most inherent +%dmg? At first I wanna say bishop because the have so many buffs, can heal and level fast so they're even "time efficient" but I thought they were a support class so maybe i/l is stronger? Assume equal funding. I like playstyles of both etc. its just that I don'y have a lot of mesos to invest (~2bil) and I want to be somewhat self sufficient. I don't want to make another char and can't even solo normal zakum ._. I've never played an i/l or bishop, jw cuz I am about to choose. Thanks~


Can anyone here read japanese? Possible Hayato update? I was wondering if anyone here that can read japanese could search for possible hayato/kanna revamp in the japanese maplestory site. Like maybe go to their forums and see if there are any hints at a hayato fix/updates Atm as we all know they are broken....I really think they are fun but the lack of damage and bugged mechanics really turns me off. Maybe nexon thinks since not a lot of people play the class then why put effort into it....well people don't cuz they're bugged and weak! So fix them! :~(


Is Jms schedule independent of Kms? I'm asking because on the orange mushroom blog theres tons of stuff but nothing referencing any new sengoku content yet I found this JMS calendar translated: Is it just because orange mushroom doesn't cover JMS? How far behind are we from JMS anyways? Specifically who has control over the hayato and kanna class? I'm hoping for JMS to fix hayatos in that "sengoku content" period in the above calendar. Basically wondering if its worth lvling and funding my hayato

General Paladin

Current ways to achieve max crit on pally? I googled a bunch but most were old posts/ I just got back into maple and not sure whats current atm. So I have just the 5% base +40% when I max blast so 45%. I know phantom lvl 120 can give +15% link skill. Then there are nebs +8%, 9%, 10%. Anyone know the prices of these in Scania? Also potentials. Is it hard to get crit rate potentials or is the chance the same as anything else? Other than that idk what else. [b]I'm doing this for fun, no other reason[/b], and now that I'm making money irl and can buy NX I figure best time to is now :D Thanks in advance for the help~

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