

Wukong #Shade Talk

General Shade

Guys I really need your help Basilers, we have been harassed and violated by these NAZl mods for too long! We MUST take a stand against the tyrants that are , and , who have ruled the lush basil fields that we lowly posters have cultivated for years without pay, while they live a luxurious life using the money off of OUR BASIL CROP! mrbasil , do you have no dignity? Are you the evil mastermind behind these filthy, power abusing mods? Basilers, I ask only one thing of you , and that is to stand against these evil tyrants and reclaim what was once ours! I ask of you, , to revive and from their graves so they can restore basilmarket to it's former glory! We must stand as one to overthrow these once pure, but now demonic NAZl mods that have tak