

Xerces #Updates Talk

General Updates

What in the World pun in happening? After this massive update, I've noticed these types of bugs: 1. If you go into El Nath main town with a summoned android or pet, you will freeze, crash and disconnect. (marketplace is fine though) 2. CRA bosses that drop items from the treasure box don't have the CLICK option over them. I think it's a bug. Has anyone else experienced this? 3. Servers one by one (the first being Bera) crashed. For my world it was because the logins were "overpopulated" when clearly all the channels are nearly if not all empty 4. Personally, I've been dcing more often after the update Anyone else going through the same thing? I'm curious if the same thing happened at CRA

General Updates

Update Questions -For the Maple Contents Book, my character has already achieved the Senior Star title for Star Planet. Will I still get the rewards? -For the Burning Character event, it says that only levels under 100 can participate. Additionally, you will level twice for every one level. After 100, does that effect disappear? (No more 2x level up)? *Side question (not about the update): If you reach max daily reward points on one character does that mean you can't earn more on other characters?

General Updates

Strange Tech Problem Ever since the latest maintenance, my MS has been acting a bit strange. After 1-2 hours of gameplay, it would lag for 2 seconds after every 5 seconds. It would be fixed after using AVG to scan the whole computer and the same 2 threats are found. I click "remove threats", restart it, relaunch the client, and MS goes back to normal for another 1-2 hours until the same problem occurs. So in the end, the threats aren't exactly "fixed". How can this problem here be resolved? I don't want to repeat the same process everyday. The virus is called an IPR rootkit. Apparently it can detect what's going on when the screen is open by other users.

General Updates

Dell Xps 13 Would you recommend? Hello Maplers, So on my last post I had some problems trying to start up Maple and it actually did work for several hours (Thank you guys)! However, the next morning there was a strange error in connection and after asking about how to fix it no one, not even my dad who is a computer specialist, could fix it. So in the end, I had to return it. We are currently waiting for the refund as the return package has landed at the origin's dock. We are now planning on getting a Dell XPS 13. As the title displays, for those with experience with Dell, would you recommend it? There's no doubt that it can run Maple but in terms of speed and stability, how would you rate each category out of 10 and how many stars out of 5