ZombieFredo #Buccaneer Talk

General Buccaneer

My funding, my bucc, my dilema sorta My dex is 127 (82+45), I'm trying hard to hit enough dex to wear a level 110 hat because I think it looks so awesome while being able to wear my level 100 or 110 overall, but yeah.. My funding and stats are pretty whacked. I need some opinions on if I'm doing it SOMEWHAT correctly. I know people say that stats don't matter as long as you're having fun, and trust me, I'm having fun, I just wanna know if I'm somewhat strong or not. Onto the equips; 6 Str 7 Dex Deputy 9 Att Workglove 9 Str 3 Dex CLEAN shoes (Soawesome) 7 Str 13 Dex Red Belly Duke 15 Str earrings 14 Str cape UE hat (10 all stat) 94 Att 9 Str white fangz (Self Scrolled!) And a bunch of misc stuff like zombie rings, white belt, and a evolving

General Buccaneer

My intentions (equip wise) a good goal? Alrighty, so as most of you know I've thrown up at least one, maybe two, threads asking for help about my damage. This is HOPEFULLY the last. I've been trying to boost my damage in every way possible without doing some of the things I just hate, like wearing a zakum helmet. That thing just looks so ugly.. XD In short, my dex is completely out of proportion. I wasn't thinking because I was leveling pretty fast at the time. Now I'm level 114 and my damage kinda shows. As we all know, damage effects training speed a lot and since I get bored easily even though I enjoy this class, I'd like to be a bit faster. So let's get down to it. [b]Current equipment[/b] Hat : Empress Fine Hat, this hat gives 10 to al