

Why isn't whistling considered musical?

Why don't we have whistling and stuff in high school bands and stuff? It sounds just as good as any woodwind instrument. It has a unique sound and differs from individual to individual. It takes a huge amount of practice to whistle really well. Singing is respected. Whistling is not. Why is that?

listen to that dude. His whistling sounds so pleasant and gives you a goosebump just like any other "real" musical instrument can.

Is it because it's doesn't look cool?

June 5, 2017

3 Comments • Newest first


same reason you probably don't have harmonica class

Reply June 8, 2017 - edited

Good point. I for one cannot whistle.

Reply June 5, 2017 - edited

They do, but it's all in chorus. Something like that link would require 1 chorus member to volunteer to join the band, most likely on his or her own time.

So yeah I guess it doesn't look cool unless they're really good at it.

Reply June 5, 2017 - edited