
Cubing decision

For the Miracle Time coming up I plan to cube my Zeros weopon to legendary and a decent pot and then my emblem. After that is it better to cube the bonus potential of both to get the most range increase possible or is it better to rank up all my other equips? I have 4 gollux rings all perfected and 3 of them are just epic 6% str and 6% pendant belt (gollux) so im not sure which would bring the most range.

July 17, 2015

4 Comments • Newest first


the main idea u have to have in mind for mt is the idea of not being afraid of losing range. cube everything to the tier u want it to get. if ur budget is limited stop if u get desired stats but dont cube for a stat, cube for tiering up. this being said bonus cubes work way better in tiering up than normal ones, it is likely that ur weapon could get to unique in 1 cube or 3 cubes and then get to legend in the first 10, though this cubes are expensive. i would recommend getting reward points and buying bonus cubes with that. concentrate on tiering up normal pots by getting all pots to at least epic with scrolls and then red till unique black till legend and so. i would do weapon first (all) and emblem normal, then normal pot on equips, and then emblem bonus.
remember once it is legendary leave it. regardless of it being 30%mp or 105% boss leave it. u can cube it afterwards with reward points or something else. mt is all about tiering up.

Reply July 17, 2015

Just get the bonus pot on your weapons and emblem to unique/legendary WITHOUT trying to roll for stats. You can do that another time when you have NX and it's not miracle time. Right now focus on tiering up, and get stats later. But yeah, I believe getting unique/legendary bonus on at least your weapon takes priority over the regular pot of your pendants and rings. It's been a while since I played but if I remember correctly what you get on your weapon as pot it counts for double since zero weapon counts as both primary and secondary right? That just makes it even more worth it to do the weapon first.

Reply July 17, 2015

So i should cube everything else first? I was only asking because if i get %att line on my weopon or emblem that would probably give more range then if iwere to get a few more % str on other equips.

Reply July 17, 2015

Go for regular pots before Bonus Potentials. They are expensive AF to do

Reply July 17, 2015