


Why does taxes exist in a game? Why does Maplestory have taxes? 1. Does it help our economy? It's a virtual currency! 2. Do we file taxes here? Really, filing a tax in a virtual game? 3. Where does the tax go? Do you think I go Maplestory school and you're gonna benefit that? My social security money would be totally high by now, I've sold so many items and I've collected lots of mesos. Medicare & Medicaid: I'm not gonna play maplestory till I retire (probably quit after a few years) and I'm not born in a poor family. How will safety help me? Taxes help ban hackers? lol you must be kidding me. So, taxes should be removed because it has no purpose! Where does the extra money taken away from tax go? Nowhere, vanish. That's ridiculous. At


I know one way to increase nexon security Well, I got the idea from facebook. Whenever I log in to another computer it would say, you need to verify it's you so I have to check my email. Facebook saves your main computer or IP address where you are active in. So, nexon should have the same method. Example, if someone logs into someones account in a different computer/IP address then nexon should disable the account, and needs to go on your email to verify that is you. When your account is disable/locked then, anyone can't see your account information. Anyone think this is a great idea?