

General Warrior

Hope for Zero and the Silent Crusade I have seen people ask why they cannot do the silent crusade quests with Zero. Most people might believe might believe that it would clash with Zero's storyline, but my theory is that the Silent Crusade was temporarily taken away so it can be fixed. I have 2 pieces of evidence that proves my theory. 1. If anyone read the "a better maple" poll answers the Silent Crusade was on the list. The removal of 3 certain monsters and the inability to get the Coco card was a major complaint. According to the answer there will most likely be a fix for the Silent Crusade sometime in January. 2. Got my Kanna to lvl 75 last night and no Silent Crusade quest lightbulb. This thread is to spread hope where there

General Warrior

Soloable bosses for a unfunded Zero My Zero is lvl 180 and i'm looking for stuff to do with it besides the theme dungeons. I was wondering about bosses you can solo with an unfunded Zero. Some bosses I was thinking of smacking around are: Magnus (easy mode), Gollux (easy mode), Akarium (easy mode), Von Leon (easy mode), Hilla (normal mode), Horntail (if I could get a chance to kill a Manon for its item to make the transformation potion), Krexel, Capt. Latanica, and maybe Pink Bean. My question is can I solo any of these bosses? Honest and polite answers would be greatly appreciated.