

bblan7787 #Updates Talk

General Updates

Serious Problems Logging In I was wondering if anyone is having the same problem as me it started around 3/30/12 when I try and logg in I get up to the title screen when I type in my pic the screen tells me [ Trouble lgging in? Try logging in again from Still can't logg in? See our support options on the website.] When I try and re eneter my pic it boots me from the game. Yes im really logged in the main site and Yes im entering the right Pic I need some responses please.

General Updates

Serious Problems Logging In I was wondering if anyone is having the same problem as me it started around 3/30/12 when I try and logg in I get up to the title screen when I type in my pic the screen tells me [ Trouble lgging in? Try logging in again from Still can't logg in? See our support options on the website.] When I try and re eneter my pic it boots me from the game. Yes im really logged in the main site and Yes im entering the right Pic I need some responses please.

General Updates

Lets Rage Some more Its clearly Working Serious Thread Alright people Pirate revamp officially not coming to GMS. apparently some people complained to Nexon that the Pirate Revamp sucked [and just for the record it does in fact sucks other than the power boost in raw dps.] But thats not what this thread is about. This thread is about people Raging so hard that nexon listen and gave them what they wanted. What This thread is about is the most crap Nexon ever pulled lowering the lv requirement for 3rd job from 70-60 and 4th job from 120-100. How for a veteran player like myself that is much more crap than simply screwing up a pirate revamp and turning sairs into bowmasters. the 120 requirement and the lv 70 requirement for an advancement is t