
so things didn't end well

..just don't know who to give my love to now

July 19, 2016

3 Comments • Newest first


@fradddd: well I guess it was and it wasn't, like, I was kind of cuddle buddy zoned, and I was kind of the moody irritable one like the girl in your story, but I was the one over thinking over analyzing and fighting really hard for the other person like you. We only really talked on the phone. Apparently we're still meeting up after I blew up at him. I may not show up out of dissatisfaction and despondency and just focus on university instead.

I told him about what you said, it being unfair and all, he said it wasn't to the best of his personal judgment, then suggested we hug in a park, then I drew reference instead to the Anne Hathaway movie where she was terminally ill and kept saying to Jake Gyllenhaals character "why are you dating me I'm going to die anyway" cause my brain just wasn't working due to how desensitized I am by my prescription meds.

The conversation was long and awkward and it ended with him saying in this really genuine way "it was nice talking" and me saying in this really deadpan voice "yeah".

I don't know why but I just went into full destruction testing mode and things didn't break but I don't know what their status is now and I'm kind of just thinking about focusing on other things, it's bringing me too much stress fighting for a guy who doesn't seem to be as interested.

oky, i dont mean to be insensitive but i honestly i just wouldn't be too phased about it (im not too phased about anything to be honest due to the meds again) but life bounces you to where you need to be and to meet the people you need to meet

if you ever need something to help you make you feel better, just remember that i will always be a bigger mess than you, bahahaha

Edit: No, I ended it, and I feel free

Reply July 19, 2016 - edited

oh dude is it like what happened to me then?

Reply July 19, 2016 - edited