
max crit damage or total dmg

for research project

August 15, 2015

9 Comments • Newest first


Total damage is much better end game. %max crit's effects really don't show too well.

As a rule of thumb, if you're playing a BM/Mercedes/phantom/ blah blah insert fast attacking character, %max crit is better.
If you are playing something slower, Night lord, fire poison mage, dark knight, hero, %total damage is better.

It really depends on your funds, your goals, and your current status in the game.

Best of luck.

Reply August 15, 2015

[quote=brettasm]max crit my dude[/quote]

No. I promise it's not that simple. Cross my heart.

Reply August 15, 2015 - edited

max crit my dude

Reply August 15, 2015 - edited

[quote=blackhawk1229]ty everyone [/quote]

I honestly think you should save the money, drop the research and pay for a membership at YMCA. You can go swimming there. I was born in the Ukraine (near the town of Konotop)...we didn't have the YMCA there. It was a loss.

Go appreciate your YMCA swimming pool, ok.

Reply August 15, 2015 - edited

Both are meh once you get to a certain point. Max crit dmg only boosts your upper dmg numbers...thus you reach a point where you cap on your max crit lines...and therefore the max crit boost becomes moot. This is why min crit is most desired. It's the super low numbers that bug ppl, not the highest boosting the lower, the min crit preferred. % min crit dmg rocks your socks.

wrt to the total dmg...essentially what you have, since the formula is written like this: (%boss dmg + %total dmg)...therefore total dmg = boss dmg...making a line such as 9% total dmg on your primary weapon equal, essentially, 9% boss dmg. Pretty sure most people would consider such a line a waste of potential... Yep. Reroll for %boss, %atk & %pdr...till you have 86-90% pdr in the stat window.

If I'm forced to pick one over the other..I'd need to know a ton more about your build and gear. So yeah. Sorry.

Reply August 15, 2015 - edited

The only time you can compare the two is Tyrant glove vs. Dojo glove. The Dojo glove will always win unless you make your tyrant glove 10+ stars with at least 15% min/max crit, and then you would be comparing high% stat vs min or max crit. The high% stat actually completes well against min and max crit if you compare a %stat ring vs a Sylph ring. I would say stop at whichever you get first or only go for min/max if your critical rate is really high. Also, seeing as how Dojo will get revamped, you're going to want to get Tyrant gloves anyways. So the winner is max crit damage.

Reply August 15, 2015 - edited

You're doing a research project on Maplestory potentials?

OT: Max crit.

Reply August 15, 2015 - edited

Max critical.

Reply August 15, 2015 - edited