
Will cross surge rapid fire give the most dps

Right now I'm using mille + platter + cross surge but since both of these are getting nerfed in the next patch will our best loadout be rapid fire/hurricane + cross surge?

February 1, 2016

11 Comments • Newest first


The battle analysis system was added for a reason

Reply February 2, 2016

It's not hard to get perma final cut at all, my phantom has 41% buff duration (23% IA, 3% empathy, 15% mech card) and mercedes S rank card and there's only half a second between final cut running out and being able to recast it. That's with just an epic inner ability, you can easily get 19-25% buff duration in less than 50k honor points in most cases.

As for comparing Final Cut and Reckless Hunt:

Nerfed Final Cut: (1.4* 0.66) + 0.33 = 1.26x overall damage

Reckless Hunt: 50% boss/%total + 100 (base) = 150
40/150 = 0.26666667

As you can see, all it takes is 50% boss/%total to make it so that the total damage portion of reckless hunt is equal to nerfed final cut without any buff duration whatsoever. Prierre D' Aria and Mille Reinforce already gives you that 50% total damage.

Even without factoring in the 40 attack part of Reckless Hunt, you can see how Final Cut is simply just that much stronger by it being a final damage buff. The difference only increases as you get %buff duration and %boss/%total.

Reply February 2, 2016

@highqualityz: the amount of burst damage you do in comparison is more damage output than the overall damage from reckless hunt: bow, but I think it's only better after about 25% buff duration which isn't really that hard to achieve since you can get 15% from a S rank Mech card and some from you're inner ability.

Reply February 2, 2016

@highqualityz: final cut post nerf> reckless hunt:bow
at all times final cut will give you more damage output than reckless hunt: bow ever will

Reply February 2, 2016

@wall: sometimes when im lazy and just want constant damage buff i use crosse surge on 3d job and reckless on 4th job. People say that final cut is better but after the nerf of final cut people who dont have cdr benefit more of reckless and crosse surge then final cut and crosse surge.

And S/O to you for posting in almost every thread lol keeping this site alive.

Reply February 2, 2016

@piana: You can still use it, but compared to Cross Surge and Final Cut it's a pretty weak buff, so there's not point in using it over either of them other than laziness.

Milles is still going to be a top damage dealer compared to RF, Platter gets significantly reduced in effectiveness though. For lower funds your best bet would be using Surge + Final Cut + Milles, for higher funds you can probably still stick with Surge + Milles + Platter.

Also it should be noted that Tempest actually becomes worth using as much as possible after the revamp, as it's a sizable dps boost (3L, 120ms delay, and you can now move while it's being used).

Reply February 2, 2016

@wall: it does apply to phantoms im using it right now

Reply February 2, 2016

Can't find anywhere where it says these nerfs? What u talkin' bout boi?
Source to your update pls.

Reply February 2, 2016

What update are you talking about

Reply February 2, 2016

(TL;DR at bottom)

The cons of Hurricane pretty much bring it down to Rapid Fire.

Hurricane: Cast delay is long, changing directions causes a new cast delay, arrows stop firing for duration of delay.
<Movement speed reduced to 100%> there is a skill close delay,
*can jump while in use*

Rapid Fire: <Movement speed remains the same as players' neutral state> little delay to cast and close skill.
*cannot jump while in use*

In terms of DPS, they fire at the same rate; now with the +30% damage difference between each arrow/bullet.
But when you consider all the time you waste trying to get hurricane going every time you turn your character around, rapid fire is much more consistent in dealing damage.
It's all about personal preference and expertise, though. Some people like jumping around in bosses; some people use Shroud Walk or Penombre.

If you're able to boss without using the Jump function to dodge, go with Rapid Fire.

Reply February 1, 2016 - edited