

Is this girl stupid or am I stupid

So this girl that I had a thing for last year (it obviously didn't work out because of course it wouldn't) likes to tell me about her current boyfriend.
She knew that I had a thing for her, and I guess she had a thing for me too she just didn't want to date anyone (that was her excuse).
Anyways yeah, is she just being stupid telling me all about her current dude, or does she really just feel the need to tell me random stuff about their dates.
Or am I just stupid for thinking that she's stupid.

November 25, 2014

10 Comments • Newest first


Not ready to date is girl talk for "I'm not interested in you and never will be." She's just using you for attention, which it seems you've been dmb enough to give to her. Just move on and stop listening about her boyfriend. Nobody is forcing you to talk to her.

Reply November 25, 2014

my dude shes putting u in the friend zone(its happened to me), they know u have a thing for them but they dont have a thing for u but they like talking to u but u r not dating material or ur their backup plan if they cnt find someone when they r older, ur their marrying type they want to have fun before settling, dont do that to urself stop talking to her for a while or have small chats like sup and hows ur day been, but do not exceed. Show her how much she needs you, its a double edge sword though if u r not the one the relationship ends but if she does have a thing for u she will try reaching out to u and then make ur move(hopefully u have cojones to do so). Friend zone is really not hard to get out of but if attempted you get 1 of 2 results 1) Lose a friend or 2) Gain a Lover, IT IS UP TO YOU TO CHOOSE IF YOU WANT TO BUT IF YOU ARE OKAY BEING THEIR BACK UP WHILE YOU KEEP SEEING THEM IN A RELATIONSHIP ONE AFTER ANOTHER YOU WILL BE MISERABLE AND YOU WILL NEVER KNOW THE OUTCOME IF YOU DONT TRY

Reply November 25, 2014

@BrandonIsBack So she said she only wanted a friend with benefits, but went and got a boyfriend anyway? Sounds like she just had a stupid way of turning you down. Have you known her for a while and did you hang out with her a lot in the past? If she sees you as a friend she could just like telling you about things. Not everyone is petty, but she could just be doing it to make you jealous. Who really knows. You could ask her to stop telling you about it, but if she's just doing it to get a reaction out of you then that might just make her do it more. Just turn your focus elsewhere and she should eventually back off.

Reply November 25, 2014

she isn't doing it deliberately in which case she is retarded. And unfortunately there is nothing you can do. Either she keeps doing it and it annoys you, or you confront her about it and risk coming off like a loser.
she is doing it deliberately and is trying to make you jealous which is the better outcome because she is making effort to make you feel bad and that means she probably needs you to feel bad for her own ego.

Reply November 25, 2014

[quote=Aalina][b]Friendzoned and making you jealous because you probably never made a move on her last year. [/b][/quote]

I did tho, she just said she didn't want a relationship, just a fwb thing.
I didn't want that and I'm completely over her but for some reason she still feels the need to approach me and tell me these things.

Reply November 25, 2014


Reply November 25, 2014

[b]Friendzoned and making you jealous because you probably never made a move on her last year. [/b]

Reply November 25, 2014

wheres the both option

Reply November 25, 2014

she wants you to join her boyfriend and her

Reply November 25, 2014