

home depot

Got my first job at the home depot blah blah blah, just wanna know if anyone know what pay period begins and pay period ends mean i just trying to figure out when ill get my first pay.
yes i know im nub for this tyvm

December 15, 2014

7 Comments • Newest first


generally if your getting paid biweekly your pay period will start on sunday and conclude on the second week saturday to be paid on friday

Reply December 15, 2014

Pay period begins means that your work payment will start to be counted on that day until the day of pay period ends. Example if they say pay period begins will be on the 1st and pay period ends n the 15th, then your next pay check will be included in those days that you worked. Remember corps. usually take 10 days after the ends period to pay you. So if it is closed on the 15th then you may get pay on the 25th, don't expect you will get pay on that pay check if you are still working on the 16th to 25th. 16th to 25th will fall on next pay period

Reply December 15, 2014

it's bi-weekly. my friend works at home depot.

you can also google this stuff too, but that's okay.

Reply December 15, 2014

Almost all jobs like those are usually bi-weekly, and pay is usually every other Friday. Also, you never get paid the first week you work. Example: your first day was the week before payday. You won't get paid the next week, you'll be paid the pay period after that week. And the first week you worked will be on the check of your third week. If this makes any sense to you. It's a little confusing.

Reply December 15, 2014

I'm assuming you're getting paid biweekly, usually for retail you get paid on Friday.

Reply December 15, 2014

You should have asked the person who called you after you got the job.

regardless, just ask your co-workers

Reply December 15, 2014

well.... you should probably ask the people you are working for

Reply December 15, 2014