
Which Drops Emperor Toad Familar

So I have been farming this Shogun familiar in Ninja Castle for quite some time now but I have been wondering, which of the two bosses drops the Familar?

From hidden-street database(which might be super outdated at this point...) it states that the Shogun drops it, not the toad.

So for those who have found it from the boss before, may you tell me which one of the two drops the Familiar?

May 30, 2016

5 Comments • Newest first


@bubbeuy: Oh really, dam. Might just be at an ridiculously low rate? Anyway if you're in Reboot you can ezpz get op drop gear so you should be good there. good luck!

Reply May 31, 2016

When I said shogun I was referring to the dude you kill which transform into the toad

And the reason I am asking if anyone knew which one dropped is mainly because I know someone got the familiar in reboot which doesn't even have the familiar booster packs so that means it must drop

Sadly this was a while back when I was at gollux and this battler Mage had it but was probably doing gollux as well so never got his ign or was able to ask questions about it

This is why I am asking in hope someone got the familiar before and can confirm which one of the two forms dropped

And if you were that battle Mage and is on basil please tell me which one of the boss you got it from
The maple community will benefit

Reply May 31, 2016 - edited

I've logged a few hundred kills and have had no luck with the familiar. I can confirm that Kacchu Musha drops a familiar card though.

Reply May 31, 2016 - edited

I wouldn't bet that you're able to actually find a toad familiar from the toad itself, I think you need booster packs to be able to obtain it. I'm not certain this is the case, but call it an educated guess. I've killed the Toad 200++ times with a decent amount of %drop (190%+wolf) and I've never found it as far as I know. The red ninja guy in the map before the jump quest might actually drop the card though, not sure but I may have found it at some point. I'm not sure who shogun is :<

If you do decide to attempt to find one, I'd recommend getting a 4~ second inv top, the JQ isn't all fun fun without it. Good luck!

Reply May 31, 2016 - edited

Probably the toad. It's possible that they both might drop it though.

Reply May 30, 2016 - edited