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Worth it to start ranked now?

Hello basilmarket,

Should I try ranked before season 4, or would it be a better idea just to wait it out? I feel fairly comfortable with the game mechanics and generally do pretty well if there are no feeders/afkers on my team. Here is my lolking: http://www.lolking.net/summoner/na/42860180

Thank you for your time.

October 20, 2013

10 Comments • Newest first


The season is almost over just keep playing ranked because there's like nothing to lose when you're Silver IV and have under 50 games. You'll either come out higher than you expected and if not maybe you'll learn some new things. It's practically a win win situation if you're trying to improve.

Reply November 7, 2013

atleast you are not bronze

Reply October 26, 2013 - edited

Well, I tried ranked, and got Silver IV. Thanks for all your help.

Reply October 26, 2013 - edited

Yes. There is nothing to lose by playing ranked if you have time mindset of simply improving. Ranked will make you improve faster than normals, because people play to win. You can definitely do it, make it to gold that is, if you put in the time. But you need to have the right mindset. If you really want the skin, etc. play ranked, you have nothing to lose. Why not start now instead of waiting for season 4? Start now, and even if oyu don't get gold or whatever your goal is, you wil have learned a lot and you can have a better chance of getting it next season <3

Reply October 21, 2013 - edited

Try to get the ward skin, and it's ENTIRELY possible to hit Gold within 20 days. It's a free champ (6.3ip) and skin if you're gold, plus the border/ward and whatnot.

P.S. A lot of people say be comfortable with every role or at least 5-10 champs or whatever etc. etc., but I think you should play only 1 champ and curb stomp with him. Works if you duo with someone lower than you, you hit first pick every time and snowball everything

Reply October 21, 2013 - edited

[quote=calebheads]Hello basilmarket,

Should I try ranked before season 4, or would it be a better idea just to wait it out? I feel fairly comfortable with the game mechanics and generally do pretty well if there are no feeders/afkers on my team. Here is my lolking: http://www.lolking.net/summoner/na/42860180

Thank you for your time. [/quote]
hey, I was just like you
thinking of feeders and afkers
Not that many actually and look at my story and go for it!

Reply October 20, 2013 - edited

Might as well just do it for the rewards

Reply October 20, 2013 - edited

Yeah it's worth it, plus you'll be placed in higher elo for your next seasion placement matches so there's less chance of trolls and etc. Plus like people said, you'll get rewards.

Reply October 20, 2013 - edited

Go for it, you might get lucky and be placed in silver. Even if you get placed in bronze you still get a reward.
While people say you should be as good as possible before you go into ranked, I think you really start learning how to play in ranked, rather than in normals.

Reply October 20, 2013 - edited

Well if you finish the 10 matches before placement and possibly get to silver, I'd do it now. Even getting into just bronze you'll get a reward. If you don't care about the rewards, then it wouldn't hurt to try it out. I have almost 500 (won) games and I'm haven't even placed. (only 1 game away xD) Also I'd get comfortable with 2-3 champs in EACH role before ranked, but do as you please.

Add me so I can spectate you from time to time~
IGN: Inspia

Reply October 20, 2013 - edited