

Is it difficult to move out of a campus apartment?

Is it difficult to move out of a campus apartment in the middle of the year?

Today just irritated me. I went to a job interview. and it was whatever, but when I went out to eat with my friend later in the day...she was like "girl, you smell like weed! I feel so bad for you" and the reason why I didn't think I smelled like weed was because my roommate hasn't smoked in about a week, but apparently the smell is still around such that my apt. is like a weed sauna and I just cannot tell anymore...

So now I realized I went to a job interview in which I probably stanked like weed.

If you guys are going to ask why I didn't perfume up etc etc, it's because strong smells like perfume and weed give me headaches (Which is the main reason why I'm trying to move out tbh... but this situation today was just so meh.)

November 13, 2015

5 Comments • Newest first


If you're talking about dorm room then just talk to housing or whoever runs it to try and find a room with an open spot. If you're renting off campus, the only thing youll lose is your security deposit and any other initial fees that you paid for. If you dont wanna do that, you can always just dump some money into a nice air purifier thatll neutralize the smell. My cousin bought one for his room cause we smoke in it often and the room smells fine

Reply November 15, 2015

Do you mean dorm room to dorm room?
Cause I did that a few weeks ago, because 1) my good friend's roommate left him so he had a spot, and 2) my roommate at the time made the room smell like dirty laundry and B.O.

So I basically just said to the RLC (residence life coordinator) I'd like to move in with my good friend. And she let me. And it took about 30 minutes to gather up my things then 20 minutes to move them over.

The only annoying part was they kept messing up my key card; at first I couldn't get in the room, then they fixed that but I couldn't get into the dorm building, then they eventually fixed that.

Reply November 14, 2015

talk to your roommate first and try to work things out. the housing department will always encourage that option first. you most likely signed a housing agreement or leasing contract that states the terms and conditions in which you may be permitted to move out, so read it over if you have the form. contact your housing reps to discuss your situation and get a more definitive answer. be sure to ask about potential penalties you may acquire and other available spaces/rooms you may switch into. you can also try to get your roommate to move out if that's your style.

Reply November 14, 2015

that is so rude of ur roommate

when i moved out with a roommate i made sure to ask him if it was okay to smoke inside cuz ik the smell is ridic

talk to ur roommate srs

Reply November 13, 2015