
Which class should I main?

I have so many characters, but I honestly don't have a main, these are my four favorite, I cant make up my mind. I like all of them. maybe give me a list of pro's and con's of all of the classes I listed, which is cheapest to fund/strongest. I would greatly appreciate any help.

September 11, 2014

7 Comments • Newest first


[quote=Chaoeze]I heard that too, but I was also told %str can get quite pricey as well.[/quote]

for common gear. for pirate gear? nope

Reply September 11, 2014

Id say Bucc. They've changed their style since the last time I mained one (rip i-frame chains) Their style now focuses on mobing and high % attack skills.
Granted you're range will be unstable but high at certain points. I think you'll have a lot of fun and wanted in parties because of SI. Common % str can get pricy but Pirate specific % str is not too expensive.

For the more expensive common % equips I'd recommend just getting them yourself. What better way to test out your new bucc then going on a man-made-mission!

Now, for NL. I think NL is a great class but you should revisit it when you have the funds. I dropped a 2bill on mine (Sold a lot of stuff just to get there) and I'm barely kissing 100k buffed range. But I was having loads of fun before I dropped anything on him. My link skills helped out a lot. I can do 1mills on czak and solo him in about 15 minutes. We're low on hp but I'll close to 20k hp after I transfer my Gollux gear. I'm at 15.6k hp at level 170.

We have double fj too. It's pretty sweet. I haven't got to boss a lot but our control is pretty dam good. As far as training it can go by pretty fast. Our map control is great thanks to venom and the skill that basically explodes are stars everywhere. And thanks to our Soul star skill(I don't know if that's the name lol) but we can train a lot longer.
% luck is coconuts. Just get what you can for cheap and scroll the best you can. If you have a job and don't mind buying nx every once in awhile I'd recommend doing that.

Hmmm. I don't know too much about Kaisers so I'll just tell you my experience on them.
I only have one at level 110. I really enjoyed their story line and the fact that your a Dragon Warrior. Their play style is pretty fast and the fact that you can goto defensive to offensive with the press of a button is pretty awesome. You get a decent link skill for your squishy characters. At 120 you get 15% hp! Their weapons can e kind of expensive.

As for Demon Slayer I haven't played them in awhile either but they train very well with their massive AoE skill. Their link skill is incredible! At level 120 you get 15% boss damage.

Reply September 11, 2014

[quote=justaperson]I'd go bucc probably, though I don't have one, just because they're great for training, and as far as I can tell, good bossers, and as people above stated, it's cheaper. If you can get a lot more power for a much lower price, you can go way further with less limitations on what you can do. Who doesn't like the idea to become even more flexible when you can fund yourself through this process, even if you choose to switch mains or play around with your others like I have? I also have a lot of chars I play. Main-main is my Zero though.[/quote]
Well I guess its settled then. Maybe I'll go full buccaneer, and fund my night lord later

Reply September 11, 2014

I'd go bucc probably, though I don't have one, just because they're great for training, and as far as I can tell, good bossers, and as people above stated, it's cheaper. If you can get a lot more power for a much lower price, you can go way further with less limitations on what you can do. Who doesn't like the idea to become even more flexible when you can fund yourself through this process, even if you choose to switch mains or play around with your others like I have? I also have a lot of chars I play. Main-main is my Zero though.

Reply September 11, 2014

cheapest out of all of those is bucc even though it's %str

Reply September 11, 2014

[quote=epikkhighh]buccaneer cause the equips are cheap. plus you can share your nx equips if you go NL. though i wouldn't recommend NL since the equips and %luk are pricy @_____@[/quote]

I heard that too, but I was also told %str can get quite pricey as well.

Reply September 11, 2014

buccaneer cause the equips are cheap. plus you can share your nx equips if you go NL. though i wouldn't recommend NL since the equips and %luk are pricy @_____@

Reply September 11, 2014