
Phantom Release Date and Pirate Revamp

On the character creation screen it says Phantom is coming out on the 12th! Pirates revamp also on that day then!

Thought you all should know, herp derp.

Anyways, 7/12 is July 12th? I thought it'd mean July 2012 rather than July 12th. It's too close to the patch we've just had. 2-3 weeks doesn't seem like enough time for Nexon to leech money off Jett imho. Furthermore, I believe there was a Nexon employee who confirmed the Pirates Revamp later this "year". For me, the use of "later this year" instead of "soon" indicates to me that the Pirates Revamp is further off than July the 12th. However, I believe people found the Revamp and Phantom info in the files after the first patch so it's just time until they are activated.

In any case, with respect to the Nexon Employee's comment on the Pirates revamp and with the assumption that Phantom and Pirates will come out at the same time, I personally think the they will come out near the end of June rather than in 10 days. I'm probably either overthinking it or just not thinking hard enough but I want the Basil Community's input on when you think it's actually coming out.

inb4 bpatientnubs

July 2, 2012

34 Comments • Newest first


@hurtand165: "Nope, that is the American way of doing it.

[b]English[/b] would be days/months/years."
Enough said. Englilsh is a language, but it also means from England too. As I said before theres many distinctions, but if I say English, most people know what I'm referring to. You did say they were differnt, and you did say the system was English, and tried to make a distinction between English-American. You completely misunderstood what I meant when I said English, then took it upon yourself to degrade Americans as a whole because of your misunderstanding. As I've said various times, there literally isn't English /American dating system, but we know what someone is talking about based on region and what they say. If you say English in America, people know what you are talking about, and there hardly is ever a time to separate it as British English, or any other kind.

2nd and last paragraph is what I'm saying to you. By dating system, we are talking about ordering, in which the common ordering for America, is Gregorian middle endian, which is also used widely in UK, so I'm not wrong to say English. If you haven't got it by now you misunderstood what I said completely and putting meanings that aren't there. I'll repeat for you, you did identify the systems as English and American, ignoring that I was using the term in a colloquial sense. Then despite me having told you this, you continued to rant at me about the specifics of the English and American system, even though there is none. I pointed out for you that its called the Gregorian, and that the formats are used in both areas, but its beyond you to realize this, so you want to argue about it.

I didn't dig any hole. You did from your initial statement and your desire to rant even though I said I was speaking colloquially, and I even said it the way you wanted so you can feel better.
"i was ONLY saying that the ordering was American and not English, i was not saying that you use a different dating system. haha" if this is what you had to say, then you would of understood me a few posts ago and stopped, because I already pointed that out.

Reply July 2, 2012

[quote=hurtand165]You may claim to speak English, but the American grasp of it is horrible to say the least. But my complaint was not about the language you claim to speak, it was about the dating order that you called "English dating".

We use one order, you use a different one. So no, it is not "English dating"... it is American. And while the system of dating may well be the same in both England and America the ordering does make a difference to how the dates are read and how the dates should be described. I do not think that pointing out that you were wrong in saying "English dating" was a bad thing, i was not even worked up. Your reply saying that you did not mean "literally in England" is what caused me to reply again in a more rant like manner, because you clearly did not understand the need to correctly describe the dating as American rather than English. I, and everybody else, understood that the dating did not mean december... i just wanted to point out that the ordering should NEVER be described as English, because it is simply wrong to do so under any circumstances.[/quote]
Like I said, my understanding isn't the problem, its your superiority complex. You related this to English, which is spoken in both America, and England, but isn't what determines the name of the dating system. The name of it is Gregorian, so you were wrong to dispute me in the first place, I used English, because most people will understand what I mean off the bat, which you obviously do not. I said "not literally from England" to help you realize that I was speaking in a relative manner, which most will understand that I'm talking about our "American system." You ended up ranting off at me to try to show me my understanding is little to non existent and that there is a proper English system to dating, but you're only showing me that you do not understand the dating system, and that you miscomprehended what I mean when I said English. There is no "English system of dating." There is a system commonly used in the English language called Gregorian. Now I will ask you again to quit your ranting over something trivial, especially when you misunderstood then backed it up with something wrong yourself. Instead of acting like your some sort of superior breed, and saying Americans are horrible this and that, check your own understanding first, because you dont seem to be getting it yet. I also said PM me if you really want to talk about this, instead of making off topic posts.

Reply July 2, 2012

2. Jett is just a post pirate revamp bucc and sair combined to keep pirates satisfied until the revamp comes, which should be a while, not a few weeks.
3. when people said thief revamp with phantom pirate revamp with jett, they never said thieves get an exclusive class while theres no thief revamp

THE PIRATE REVAMP WILL NOT COME WITH PHANTOM. i'd like to see the faces of all the ppl who think it will come when it doesnt come

PLEASE thumbs up so people can see this, i doubt every1 is gonna read this unless its thumbs up'd.
its not coming with phantom[/quote]

You really don't know anything to be honest so just stop, lol. Nobody does.

Reply July 2, 2012

@hurtand165: Calm down dude. Every noticed we speak English in America? Ever notice we use the English system in America? It's not something foreign to hear someone say English to anything in America. Yes I know there is English, meaning of England, and American. I know the distinction, but most people would understand by me just saying English. If you have sucha problem with it you can ask nicely instead of getting your panties in a bunch because I didn't say you were wrong. If you want to rant so badly, realize the many different English there are and calmly pm me if you want to argue about something so trivial.

If you really wanna be ridiculous about it, then its not english dates, its Gregorian and the system commonly used here in the United States is also used in the UK.
But if it'll make you feel better: The dating system we currently use in the United States has the format mm/dd/yyyy, so the date on the site means July 12th, and not December.

/end off topic

Reply July 2, 2012

[quote=aMongoose]I agree with Miauri all the way. Stop hating on them so badly and go outside or do something else on Maple. Marksman also have illusion step still messed up(?) and you don't see 75% of the things Nexon does so it's hard to bash them to the ground like everyone does. Such a greedy community for the most part =[/quote]You're the man. Illusion step is messed up, and so is FA.

Reply July 2, 2012

[quote=Miauri]How does this have anything to do with Phantom not able to steal current pirate skills?[/quote]

I agree with Miauri all the way. Stop hating on them so badly and go outside or do something else on Maple. Marksman also have illusion step still messed up(?) and you don't see 75% of the things Nexon does so it's hard to bash them to the ground like everyone does. Such a greedy community for the most part =

Reply July 2, 2012

[quote=Miauri]Okay.[/quote]ilold. pro way to diffuse an argument right hurr.

OT: wuts a jett

On Topic: idk. huehuehue

Reply July 2, 2012

[quote=etcox]I still don't see how it would be any more unfair than what would happen if and when future revamps come.[/quote]Okay.

Reply July 2, 2012 - edited

@hurtand165: I don't mean literally from England.

Reply July 2, 2012 - edited

Prolly another "NO MAINTENANCE! YOU CAN MAKE YOUR PHANTOM AT 12:00AM PST!" or something

Reply July 2, 2012 - edited

The revamp is going to happen sooner or later. Why else would they implement the sound effects for the "Fist" skill on top of the barrage sound eff? Or, change the dash skill to sound like the KMS dash sound? And why does the NPC in leafre offer to give buccs a mount, but doesn't/gives sairs the mount?

Reply July 2, 2012 - edited

Yea they said "later this summer". You just assume that "later this summer" means at the last week of summer? Later could technically mean in 5 minutes, and it could also mean in 5 more weeks. Stop trying.
Jett wasn't a substitute. Nexon isn't stupid, theyknow that Jett won't hold any of those damn rabid pirates off until the patch. I think Nexon did this to help spruce up the Pirate equipment economy before the Pirate revamp since they really needed it.
Why would thieves need another class coming out? They have their Hero class coming out. Plus Pirates don't have a Hero so why not throw them a bone and give em another character to toy around with.

Reply July 2, 2012 - edited

[quote=etcox]I'd like to see your source that says Phantom's steal isn't coded dynamically to change to be able to steal any skill that falls under the parameters of if(classCheck() == explorer && classCheck() != dualBlade && classCheck() != cannonShooter) {steal()}[/quote]Bad wording, yes. By "can't", I mean it's unfair to the Phantoms created after the revamp, and Nexon can't let that happen. I'd love to steal the battleship, tho.

Reply July 2, 2012 - edited

Pirates were revamped for a few hours while the patch was going on Wednesday night. Notice how after the patch both pirates' skills were wiped out of their key setting?

Reply July 2, 2012 - edited

If part 2 of Renegades is JUST phantom, wouldn't that be a pretty weak content compare to what we got in part 1?

Reply July 2, 2012 - edited


Edit: 7/12 is NOT July 2012. Well, either way that's when Phantom is coming.

Reply July 2, 2012 - edited

@Powerbomb: They did.
@Inception: 2. Jett isn't to satisfy us, its to satisfy and bait the community into another new class and into spending more nx. It has nothing to do with pirates other than robbing of their revamped skills and delaying their revamp.
@grawp77: English dates, month/days/years

Reply July 2, 2012 - edited

is 7th December
Sorry kiddo

Reply July 2, 2012 - edited

[quote=LuizEvilx][url=]No pirate revamp showing yet.[/url]

And as I said on my previous comment, no one really knows because the patch isn't even here yet.
Don't jump into conclusions before entirely knowing what's gonna happen.[/quote]

Did they show a thief revamp before it appeared on the update notes? Seriously, I'm out of the loop for that one.

Reply July 2, 2012 - edited

the pirate revamp should come with phantom cus phantom shouldnt be able to steal transformor the old pirate skills

Reply July 2, 2012 - edited

[quote=StewieFg411]Pirate Revamp is later in the year.. shut up[/quote]

Actually there was a post on the Nexon forums later this summer after the post that confirmed it.

Reply July 2, 2012 - edited

Revamp is already in the game just not implemented so it could come at any time, if nexon were smart they would revamp sooner then later cause there going to have to fix the class at some point looks at sp issue <.<

Reply July 2, 2012 - edited

[quote=PraisedAura]Give me some insight on the problems Marksmen have right now aside the CO + Pierce one.

I still fail to see how classes are as messed up as we are as of this patch since yesterday.

Marksmen is a fair point I suppose for the last one.[/quote]How does this have anything to do with Phantom not able to steal current pirate skills?

Reply July 2, 2012 - edited

[quote=Powerbomb]Take a look at Jett and then take a look at Dragon Warrior. They're the same dang classes except for the animations. They're clones of each other. If Nexon is lazy enough to do that, then they're lazy enough to not want to recode Phantom's skills. Besides, people have already raised a ruckus about it in the Nexon forums.[/quote]

[url=]No pirate revamp showing yet.[/url]

And as I said on my previous comment, no one really knows because the patch isn't even here yet.
Don't jump into conclusions before entirely knowing what's gonna happen.

Reply July 2, 2012 - edited

The revamped skills and mastery books are already in game. All nexon has to do is go SC and switch back our job ID. That will most likely fix all the problems the current pirates have right now and get the revamp at the sametime.

Reply July 2, 2012 - edited

@PraisedAura: w/e, the only forum mod that I know off by heart is hime, so I just said her name.

Reply July 2, 2012 - edited

[quote=PraisedAura]Please tell me the last time any other classes have had the SP issue we have at the moment.

Please tell me the last time any other class has had a glitched skill quest in which they could not obtain a core skill important to their skillbook for months.

Please tell me the last time any other class had this many issues after a patch.

Please tell me any other time a class that needed a revamp the most was seemingly delayed this long.

Please tell me the last time Nexon acknowledged a problem for us and fixed it immediately.

Please tell me the last time any other class has been ridiculed for mediocracy and uselessness as long as us.[/quote]Never, because this is the first time Nexon delays a revamp after it's original update.

--- ll ---

Marksmen have quite a few issues right now




Reply July 2, 2012 - edited

[quote=LuizEvilx]What makes you fully believe that Phantoms can't steal current pirate skills? It's just a theory based on Nexon's laziness to recode; people could be wrong.[/quote]

Take a look at Jett and then take a look at Dragon Warrior. They're the same dang classes except for the animations. They're clones of each other. If Nexon is lazy enough to do that, then they're lazy enough to not want to recode Phantom's skills. Besides, people have already raised a ruckus about it in the Nexon forums.

Reply July 2, 2012 - edited

Hime on the nexon forums said the pirate revamp is coming later this [b]summer[/b]

Reply July 2, 2012 - edited

[quote=Miauri]The Nexon-hating is getting so stupid. Phantoms can't steal current pirate skills, therefore it's bound to come at the same time.[/quote]

What makes you fully believe that Phantoms can't steal current pirate skills? It's just a theory based on Nexon's laziness to recode; people could be wrong.

Reply July 2, 2012 - edited

[quote=StewieFg411]Pirate Revamp is later in the year.. shut up[/quote]Good lord, what's common sense.

Reply July 2, 2012 - edited

This is just like the legends patch, where we could try mercedes right away without patching anything because it was already "implemented".
Remember that when mercedes wasn't out, the double bows were already dropping?. Same happens with phantom
But a revamp requires much more than that. A Patch is needed. So pirates revamp will NOT be anytime soon.

Reply July 2, 2012 - edited

[quote=PraisedAura]It says it on character creation. Knowing Nexon though, Pirate revamp might be way later just to troll us some more.[/quote]The Nexon-hating is getting so stupid. Phantoms can't steal current pirate skills, therefore it's bound to come at the same time.

Reply July 2, 2012 - edited

Hush your mouth boy! How dare you risk jinxing Phantoms release in 2 weeks!

Reply July 2, 2012 - edited