Thinking of playing LoL

My friends just started to play and Want me to join them. Is there anything I should know like which class to create or such that would be beneficial in the long run, because I know absolutely nothing about LoL. By the way, I am not willing to spend that much if any on this game because i'm poor.

January 27, 2014

8 Comments • Newest first


So, at this point I have gotten used to the game mechanics, so I was wondering which champion to get. I can play top and jungle really well, so I did a bit of research, and I really like Vi and Wukong's mechanics. Which would be better to get, as I have about 5700 IP, so I could buy either after a level or two or some games.

Reply February 5, 2014

If u start to play,
Add me

Reply February 3, 2014

Everybody considers Teemo the b*stard champion, so instead, i'll narrow it down to ones people think are less annoying
Master Yi - TBH i hate this guy... he's capable of wrecking entire teams as long as he doesn't get locked down with stuns and roots, easy to learn
Annie - very good starter, gets you to focus on many different aspects, like her passive and how it has counters, etc etc
Garen - pretty much the guy who walks around and just does whatever he wants. It's quite easy to get kills with him as well
Tryndamere - kinda like yi in many aspects, is mostly stronger the longer the game goes

For those you should probably look up item builds and read the counter pages. Google "(champion name) counters", and it should be the first link every time

Personally I used akali because i thought she looked cool. She's a really bursty assassin who has pretty good mobility with her ult, and she has a bit of stealth

GL and HF!

PS there are a TON of smurfs (people who have higher level accounts but play on noob accounts to kill noobs for teh lulz)
you should always play with your friends on skype to make it more fun

Reply February 2, 2014

Yi and Teemo were my go-to champs when I first started

Reply February 2, 2014

Theres no real say as to what are the "best champions for noobs". Its really based on your playstyle. And the good thing about League is that you can become successful with $0 invested into the game, although it would be nice to spend a bit of money on good looking skins or champions who are on sale that you desperately want.

Reply January 31, 2014

Champions are likes characters you can pick to play in each game. There are like over 100 champions so like you can pick a different one each game. Its like street fighter how you select a character at the start and then play until that round is over, and the next one you can pick a different character.

When you start you should probably just play the free week champions or the recommended ones to get used to the game.

Reply January 28, 2014

So what exactly are champions? and which would be the best for a noob?

Reply January 27, 2014 - edited

There's no classes in the game just different champions you can chose each game. Also you don't need to spend any real money at all unless you want skins or want to buy champions faster.

Reply January 27, 2014 - edited