


Gollux, BaM, and Red questions okay so after coming back to maple after half a year sooo many questions have come up in my mind... How many coins does gollux drop and his head drops the most right? i have 15 coins after one run with a friend and idk why lol... and also, whats the range needed to solo easy gollux? I have a 70k range with 30% boss and maybe 30%ish pdr and i cant kill the stomach of gollux :/. If i have a high enough range, then any tips for a BaM to solo farm coins? And for battle mages as a whole, how much does the 170 hyper raise dps by? I'm at level 164 right now and i'm slowly working towards the whole reason i made a bam in the first place :) oh and i hate the red scrolls... 50% must be coded to hate me, because i've fai

General Battlemage

Questions about skills So I just came back to maple after quitting when RA came out, and my battle mage's 4th job skills are pretty weird.... I had maxed ADA before, and now its level 10, but not only that, it's master level is still 10 after i used the mastery books to raise it to 30 o-o.... Also, i tried the mastery book thingy at the evolution lab, and it only had staff expert and MW20. Does this mean there isn't a dark aura 20? or am i just missing something else... And I've noticed the chance in the hyper skills as well. I will miss union aura :(... If anyone would help clarify all the changes that have happened to BaMs recently though, that'd help out a lot! I've googled things, and it seems like ADA 30 still exists, but i can't get i

General Tech

Internet Problems while Gaming so whenever i choose to play any online game, my internet chooses to have these horrid lag spikes ruining the gameplay. it only does this while in that game, and it's only for my computer. my brother plays the same game on his laptop but his gameplay remains perfectly fine, while me on the other hand.... i have to keep dealing with the lag spikes and it's quite annoying. i dont know what to do about this, but my laptop has better specs than his. is there any kind of solution for this?

General Battlemage

Ele Staff vs Emp Wand I'm debating whether i should get a ele staff 5, 6, 7, or 8 or an empress wand. maybe even an empress staff, but that has slow weapon attack speed. i have the entire empress set, so it would give me better damage if i had an empress wand. But the ele staffs have a fast weapon attack speed vs. empress wand's normal attack speed. Which one would result in a higher DPS assuming i perfectly scroll both and cube? edit: empress wand starts with 161 matk 35 int, while ele staff starts with 178 matk

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